
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anti-minä - Anti me

Asioita, jotka eivät parhaalla tahdollakaan ole minua:

1. Viini tai olut (yök).
2. Shoppailu (rasittavaa).
3. Sisustus (aikaavievää).
4. Meikkaus (nopea ja kevyt meikki erikoistilanteissa).
5. Hiustyylien ja kampausten vaihtelu (pitkät hiukseni ovat yleensä ponnarilla ja that's that).
6. Korkkarit (kestän korkkareita vain bileissä, muuten kuljen mieluiten maihareissa tai Eccon mukavuuskengissä).
7. Oliivit (yök).
8. Tyttöjen illat (aargh!!).
9. Jääkiekko ja muut joukkuelajit (ylitylsää).
10. Ohjatut jumppatunnit (en pidä käskytyksestä ja haluan liikkua omaan tahtiini).

11. Juorulehdet (niistä tulee paha olo).
12. TV-sarjat ja TV:n katselu yleensä (lukuun ottamatta Star Trekiä ja Miami Vicea).
13. Sylikoirat (koiran pitää näyttää sudelta eikä rääpäleeltä).
14. Korut (korkeintaan yksi sormus ja yksinkertainen kaulakoru viikinkityyliin).
15. Kylpylät (en pidä itseni hemmottelusta).
16. Rantalomat (rusketus parissa päivässä ja that's that).
17. Jake Gyllenhaal ja Brad Pitt (en tajua, mitä naiset näkevät heissä).
18. Käsityöt ja askartelu (olen tehnyt aikoinaan, mutta inhoan näpertelyä).
19. Maalaaminen (olen kohtalaisen hyvä piirtämään, mutta maalaamiseen kärsivällisyyteni ei riitä).
20. Runous (hyvin harvat runot jaksavat innostaa minua).
21. Reppumatkailu (viiden tähden hotelli sen olla pitää, jos rahat riittävät).
22. Romantiikka (tylsistyn kuoliaaksi).
23. Kansanmusiikki, iskelmät ja klassinen (olen soittanut kaikkia, mutta en jaksaisi kuunnella).
24. Jooga (puolen tunnin meditoinnin vielä kestän, mutta joogan sijasta mieluummin jumppaan).
25. Joulu (inhoan jouluruokia, krääsää, hössötystä ja liiallista punaista väriä).
26. Uusivuosi (pakkojuhlintaa vailla tarkoitusta).
27. Humalajuonti (minulla on hauskempaa selvin päin tai pienessä hiprakassa).
28. Raha-asiat (hoidan raha-asiani kunnolla, mutta ne eivät voisi minua vähempää kiinnostaa).
29. Elämä on (ärsyttävä junttimainen sanonta).
30. Mainokset (pitävätkö ne meitä ihan tyhminä?)

31. Älykkökirjailijat (vaikka olisi kuinka fiksu, ei silti tarvitse poseerata mustissa retkuissa läpitunkeva katse silmissä).
32. Teatteri (olen pari kertaa käynyt teatterissa ja näytellytkin, mutta vain jälkimmäinen kiinnostaa).
33. Terry Pratchett ja Viivi ja Wagner (voisin polttaa ne roviolla).
34. Taitoluistelu, hiihtokisat, mäkihyppy, olympialaiset.
35. Mensa (insinööriklubi).
36. Euroviisut (Lordi pelasti yhden ainoan shown).
37. Ooppera ja baletti (näitähän keksisi vaikka kuinka!)
38. Saunominen ja grillaus (Suomen kansallishuvit menevät yli ymmärrykseni).
39. Sauvakävely (jos en voi juosta, niin sitten pyöräilen).
40. Remontointi (minusta on hienoa katsoa, kun muut remontoivat).
41. Kuorinta, kasvohoito, pedikyyri, manikyyri (miten naisilla on aikaa niihin?).
42. Marjastus ja sienestys (liikun metsässä mieluiten selkä suorana).
43. Nuket ja nukkekodit (aikuisten naisten nukkeharrastus on mielestäni outoa).
44. Pullat ja viinerit (epäterveellistä höttöä).
45. Tekniikan maailma (en uusi tekniikkaa ennen kuin se hajoaa).
46. Muskari (tunsin itseni idiootiksi hyppiessäni rallatusten tahtiin).
47. Tatuoinnit ja lävistykset (en halua edes korvarenkaita).
48. Kantoliinat (kehitysmaiden naisillakin olisi lastenvaunut, jos heillä olisi varaa niihin ja kunnon tiet).
49. Mammapalstat (rättiväsyneiden äitien pätemis- ja vittuilupalstat).
50. Saatananpalvonta (kaikesta ylläolevasta huolimatta olen kuitenkin hyvien puolella).

51. Kääpiöt (en voi sietää leffoja, joissa on kääpiöitä).
52. Pellet (säälittäviä ja karmivia).

No, totuus taitaa kuitenkin olla, että kävisin ilomielin kauneushoitolassa, kylpylässä ja kampaajalla vaikka joka viikko, jos minulla olisi varaa. Käyttäisin kantoliinaa, jos lapseni suostuisivat istumaan siinä, saunoisin, sienestäisin ja töllöttäisin TV-sarjoja joka ilta, jos minulla olisi aikaa. Ja jos minulla olisi suuri talo, sisustaisin ja remontoisin innolla ja ostaisin yhden huoneen täyteen nukkeja ja ompelisin niille prinsessavaatteita. Kyse onkin enemmän siitä, että kun aikaa on rajallisesti, on valittava ne asiat, jotka tuntuvat omimmilta. Parempi nimi listalle olisikin "Asiat, joita tekisin, jos minulla olisi monta elämää".

Things that are definitely not me:

1. Wine and beer (yuck).
2. Shopping (exhausting).
3. Decoration (time-consuming).
4. Make up (quick and light in special occasions).
5. Changing hairstyles and hairdos (I usually have a ponytail and that's that).
6. High heels (I can only tolerate them at parties, otherwise I wear army boots or comfortable Eccos).
7. Olives (yuck).
8. Girls' nights (aargh!!).
9. Hockey and other team sports (overly boring).
10. Workout classes (I don't like to be bossed around and I wanna exercise at my own pace).
11. Gossip magazines (they make me sick).
12. TV-shows and watching TV in general (except for Star Trek ja Miami Vice).
13. Poodles (a dog has to look like a wolf and not like a rat).
14. Jewellery (one viking style ring and a simple necklace at the most).
15. Spas (I don't like to pamper myself).
16. Beach holidays (a tan in a couple of days and that's that).
17. Jake Gyllenhaal ja Brad Pitt (what's so wonderful about them?).
18. Handicraft (done some but I hate tinkering).
19. Painting (I'm fairly good at drawing but I don't have the patience for painting).
20. Poetry (very few poems interest me).

21. Backpacking (it has to be a five star hotel if I can afford it).
22. Romance (bores me to death).
23. Folk music, schlagers and classical music (I've played all but I wouldn't listen).
24. Yoga (I can meditate for half an hour but I'd rather do aerobics than yoga).
25. Christmas (I hate Christmas foods, all the junk and fuss and excessive red colour).
26. New Year (compulsory partying without purpose).
27. Getting drunk (I have much more fun when I'm sober).
28. Economy (I take care of it but I couldn't care less).
29. (untranslatable)
30. Advertising (do they think we're dumb?)
31. Intellectual writers (no matter how smart you are you don't have to pose in black rags with a penetrating look in your eyes).
32. Theatre (I went there a few times and even acted a bit but only the latter one interests me).
33. Terry Pratchett and Charlie Brown (I could burn them at the stake).
34. Figure skating, skiing competitions, ski jumping, olympic games.
35. Mensa (engineer club).
36. Eurovision song contest (Lordi saved one lousy show).
37. Opera and ballet (the list will be endless!)
38. Sauna and grilling (I don't get the Finnish national hobbies).
39. Nordic walking (I'll use the bicycle if I can't run).
40. Renovating (I enjoy watching others renovate).
41. Facials, manicures, pedicures (I don't understand how women have time for those)
42. Berry and mushroom picking (I'd rather walk in the forest with my back straight).
43. Dolls and doll houses (grown women playing with dolls seems a bit weird).
44. Buns and muffins (unhealthy fluff).
45. Latest gadgets (I'll replace my tech when it falls apart).
46. Music play school (I felt like an idiot dancing to the jingles).
47. Tattoos and piercings (I don't even have earrings).
48. Sling carriers (even the African women would use prams if they could afford them and if they had proper roads).
49. Mama forums (bitching and bragging forums for frustrated mothers).
50. Satan worship (despite all the things above I'm still on the good side).

51. Midgets (I can't stand movies with midgets).
52. Clowns (I find them pitiful and scary).

Well, I guess the truth is that I would gladly go to spas, beauty parlors and hairdresser every week if I could afford it. I would use a sling carrier if my children would stay still in it and pick mushrooms, bathe in sauna and watch TV every evening if I had the time. And if I had a big house, I would gladly decorate, renovate and buy one room full of dolls and sew pretty clothes for them. I think it's more about having to decide how to use your limited time. Maybe I should name the list "Things that I would do if had many lives".

Friday, May 14, 2010

Valonkantajat - Lightworkers

Löysin itseni kaikista allaolevista valotyöntekijän kuvauksista:
I found myself in all the lightworker descriptions below:

Oletko valotyöntekijä?

What is a lightworker?

NASA's new satellite photo of the sun.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Lokakuussa 2008 Above Top Secret -sivustolle ilmestyi Illuminatin jäsen nimeltä "Hidden Hand", joka väitti kanavoivansa Luciferia. Hidden Hand vakuutti muut keskustelijat tarkkuudellaan, nopeudellaan ja laajoilla tiedoillaan, mutta päätä itse, uskoako häneen vai ei. Nimimerkki "Hidden Hand" tulee vapaamuurareiden salaisesta merkistä. Lopussa olen verrannut Hidden Handin sanomaa Eenokin Avaimiin - eli Jumalaa ja Saatanaa toisiinsa. ;-)

On October 2008 an Illuminati member called "Hidden Hand" appeared on Above Top Secret site and claimed he was channeling Lucifer. Hidden Hand convinced others with his accuracy, speed and vast knowledge but you can decide for yourself whether to believe him or not. The name "Hidden Hand" comes from a secret Freemason hand signal. In the end I've compared the message of Hidden Hand to the Keys of Enoch - Satan vs. God. ;-)

Hidden Hand


Otteita keskustelusta / Excerpts:

Hidden Hand channeling Lucifer:

- Many of us do not mean you any harm directly. There is just the matter of divine destiny to uphold and unfold, and we must play our parts in the game, as given to us by the Creator. In many ways, it is actually in our own interest that you are prepared for the coming Harvest. Just not maybe prepared in quite the way that you would like. Still, even then, you are choosing the Negative Polarity with your own Free Will decisions, with a little 'help' and direction from us. Souls are Harvestable in either 'extreme' of the Polarities.

- You are fast running out of time to do so, before the coming Harvest. Those that don't make it, will have to repeat the cycle.

- There is no "Messiah". Stop looking outside of yourself for 'salvation'.

- It is the End Times, not just described in the Book of Revelations, but also in the prophesies of virtually every religion, spiritual philosophy, and mystery tradition throughout history. This time is now at hand.

- There were Ruling Bloodlines long before your 'Yahweh' and his 'Christianity' arrived on this planet. Yahweh is 'a' Creator, not 'The' One Infinite Creator. There are other and Higher 'gods' than him.

- Behind the scenes, there is only One Party. Our Party. 'Democracy' is an illusion which is created to uphold your slavery. Whichever side 'wins'; the Family wins. There are many possibilities and alternative 'scripts'.

- San Francisco and Damascus, will be uninhabitable by the end of 2010, possibly even sooner. Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this. You (as a collective consciousness of the planet) are choosing the Negative Polarization by default, by the quality of your thoughts and actions. Thought is creative energy, focused. You get exactly what you put out.

- The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice. Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose. It is very important to us, that the Polarization of this planet is Negative at the time of the Great Harvest. That means Service to Self orientated, as opposed to Positive, Service to Others. We require a Negative Harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goal. We are very grateful.

- There will be dramatic changes to your climate and weather conditions over the next few years, as the time of the Great Harvest approaches.

- Your Creator, the one you have called 'Yahweh', is not "God" inasmuch as your bible refers to him as being "the One True God". He is 'a' Creator rather than the One Infinite Creator. He is not even a Galactic level Logos, but rather, is the Planetary Logos for this one planet.

- Our Creator, is the one you refer to as 'Lucifer', "The Light Bearer" and "Bright and Morning Star". Our Creator is not "The Devil" as he has been spuriously portrayed in your bible. Lucifer is what you would call a "Group Soul" or "Social Memory Complex", which has evolved to the level of the Sixth Density, which in effect, means that he (or more accurately "'we") has evolved to a level sufficient that he (we) has attained a status equal or arguably 'greater' than that of Yahweh (we have evolved higher than him).

- Without Polarity, (derived from Free Will), there is only the Unity of Love and Light, and no choice to experience 'other than' that. So, we were to be the Catalyst for change, in order to provide that choice, thus bringing Polarity. Yahweh agreed that we would introduce the concept of Free Will to Earth's inhabitants, by offering them an initial choice, as to whether they 'wanted' it or not. Hence, "The Tree of the Knowledge of 'Good and Evil'" (or more accurately, the Knowledge of Polarity, of Positive or Negative). Yahweh takes his inhabitants to a new 'garden' and tells them you can do anything you like, except this one thing, thus creating the desire to do the one thing there are told they cannot. Hence, a "Choice". We provide the Catalyst by telling them the benefits of attaining Knowledge, they eat from the tree, and the rest is history.

- Yahweh thought that his 'Children' would still choose to obey him, and when he discovered they did not, he became angry. As he himself describes in his scriptures, he is a "Jealous God", and he did not like it that his 'children' had chose to disobey him, and follow our advice.

- All of this (physical life / incarnation), is a very intricate and skillfully designed Game, whereby the One Infinite Creator, plays the game of forgetting who It is, so that It can learn to remember, and in doing so, experience and know Itself as Creator.

The Game

- Yes, the noonday Winter Solstice Sun of December 21st, 2012 is the time when the Lord of The Harvest shall return. You might know him as "Nibiru". Read up on the Mayan Prophesies and Calendrical events for more detail upon how the actual Galactic and Universal Cycles work. The "Travelers" who gave them this information were the same ones who visited the the Civilization of Atlantis. The Mayans used that information by creating with the Positive vibration of the Polarity. The Atlanteans opted for the Negative. Yes, to answer your question. There is much truth in some of the ancient Gnostic texts, though there are also distortions. The information is not 'pure'. It came through many 'filters'.

- December 21, 2012 AD, is not the day where all of the sudden the lights go out, and everything will suddenly change, rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition, from one World Age to the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date. On the December solstice sun will be found in the band of the Milky Way, directly in the position of the "Dark Rift" in the Galaxy.

- During this Ascension, there will be a three way split for those Souls inhabiting Earth. Those of the predominantly Negative Polarity, will accompany us as we Graduate through the Negative (or Service to Self) Harvest. We (Lucifer) will Create a new 4th Density Earth, based on the Negative Self Service Polarity.

- Those of the predominantly Positive Polarity (Love and Light) will Ascend to a beautiful new 4th Density Earth, where you will begin to work upon your learning and demonstrating of Love and Compassion. It will be a very beautiful and "Golden" Age. The 4th Density begins to open you up to your True Powers as a unique individualized aspect of The One Infinite Creator. You will perform works and wonders of the like that the one you call "Jesus" promised you would do "and even greater things than these". It will be a very magical time for you.

- For the majority of Humans on the earth who could be considered shall we say "luke warm", they will experience a period of (what will feel 'ecstatic') zero-point time, where you feel totally at One with The Creator, giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to another 3rd Density planet (a kind of 'Earth Replica'), to continue working upon yourselves and learning that life here is all about making choices. You will remain "quarantined" incarnating in 3rd Density matter until the time of the next Harvest; in which time you will need to have proved yourselves that you have learned how to be more Positive Beings, focused more upon being of Service to others, rather than seeking only to Serve yourself.

- The messages of the Sixth Density Soul Group 'Ra' is the most accurate information in your mainstream circulation at this point in time. It is approximately 85-90% accurate.

- Understand, that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst".

- In order to choose the positive path, at least 51 percent of your thoughts and actions must be dedicated to the service of others. For the negative path, at least 95% must be self-serving. Between the two lies “the sinkhole of indifference".

- You do not Serve others to achieve Oneness with the Infinite Source, you Serve others, because you love them, as yourself. Others, are an extension of yourself. That's why the Law of Attraction works the way it does. Truly, whatever you are doing to me, you are doing to yourself. We are All One, in the Infinite Creation. Separation is an illusion, because you only see what is in the 3rd Density. You do not see the whole picture.

- If you are Bloodline (Family), you are born into it, and you are raised this way, from birth. There is no other way. I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.

- A soul can only choose positivity in a world where negativity also exists. If there were no protagonist in this world, there'd be no opportunity for a human soul to choose 'good' or 'evil' and thus prove on a spiritual level that they deserve one afterlife fate over another. If we only had positivity to choose from, we'd learn nothing and our souls would manage to prove nothing.

- When you can see the Divine spark of the Infinite Creator, even within those who would mean you harm, the strong grip of the illusion will begin to lose it's power over you.

- There is much information on the internet, so I need not spend the little time we have left going into that. Read many sites, and listen to your Inner Voice. Your Soul will guide you if you ask it. It speaks in the language of Feelings. When it "just feels right", usually, it is.

- Never take what another says to you as "Truth". Your purpose here, is to find your own Truth.

- Just keep noticing your Negative thought patterns as they arise, and in so doing, simply choose again, and select a response that is more Positive.

- There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing happens by chance. Life is in a constant process of communication with us. Only mostly, people are too busy to notice. Our Infinite Creator longs to be close to us. In truth, he is closer than most would believe, they just don't notice him. As they pass him by on the street every day, when he gives them their change at the shop, when you tuck her into bed and give her a kiss goodnight, when you squash him as he's running up your bathroom wall toward his web. When there's no-one else in the room but 'you'.

- Why are you afraid? Remember that this is a Game that you are playing, and that it is not Reality. When you find, and come to know your Creator living within you, you will know that there is nothing to fear.

- 9/11 was a Ritual Human Sacrifice. That, and the obvious catalyst for the so called "War on Terror".

- 11:11 is an alarm clock. What are alarm clocks for?

- Karma cannot be 'overcome', it must be 'worked off'. In other words, if you've hurt someone, be it physically, emotionally, or however else, you will have to, at some future point, experience what that felt like for them. The Law of Karmic Effect is not a 'punishment', it is a tool of learning.

- Linear time is more accurately described as an intentional fabrication. The true nature of time, is cyclical.

- Have you ever noticed, how just when you 'think' you've found something that really "feels" like Truth for you, something will come along to make you doubt it? Think of it as a "test". Your Spiritual development, like all other aspects of your progression, is something that you have to work for. How do you know if your newly discovered 'truth' is really True, if you're never tested on it. In the face of a challenge, who do you trust? Do you trust what the "outside world" is showing you? Or, do you hold fast to that which "feels" like Truth, deep within you?

- As for now, there is a simple method to check upon your progress. Despite what "appears" to being going on in "the world at large", how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships? Remember that the world, is your mirror. Casting back at you the reflection, of that which you have projected into it. How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? Is there bitterness and acrimony within the ranks? Do you look at others, and think about how you would like to change them? Or, do you love them, and accept them as they are? Loving and accepting someone, for who they are, is known as Unconditional Love. That is something you will spend much time working upon, when Graduating into 4th Density Positive. It's a good idea to get a headstart.

- Now, loving and accepting someone as they are, does not mean accepting abusive behavior. But, it does mean loving and accepting the person (Soul), not the Soul's behavior. The behavior is not "who they are", the Soul within, is who they are. The quality of your relationships, is an excellent mirror, from which to gauge the quality of your output. Or, in other words, that which you are Creating. Do you look at a person, and concentrate to a greater or lesser extent, upon the things that you dislike about them and wish would change, or the qualities that you like and admire in them? Remember that we have said, that all thought, word, and deed, is Creative. You get back Exactly what you send out.

5th density Earth

- Religion is either actually created, or at very least, heavily influenced by us. There is no such things as "god". "God" is a human concept, which is a misunderstanding of the original concept of "Creator". This is further confused, as there are many macrocosmic level Creators, or Logos, as has been explained previously.

- Your purpose in the Game, is to work upon yourself. To grow, develop, and transform yourself into a more positive and loving being. You had certain goals that you planned to achieve before incarnating here, which is a main reason for the veil of forgetfulness being in place, because if you already knew what your goals were, the Game would be too easy.

- At the very worst, you will have to repeat as many 3rd Density Cycles as is necessary, in order for you to learn the things you need to learn, in order to progress and Graduate to 4th Density Positive. But one thing is for sure, you will get there in the end.

- The Harvest is Mixed. Those who are 51% or over on the Positive path will Graduate to 4th Density Positive. There you will work upon Love and Compassion, and it will be a very beautiful world to reside within for you.

- You will not use words much, unless you choose to. Telepathy becomes the normal method of communication. Everything is open, and you cannot hide your thoughts from 'others'. From that incarnation onwards, you will not have to experience 3rd Density incarnation again, unless you later choose to do so from Higher Densities.

- WE must be 95% Negative (at least), in order to Graduate to 4th Density Negative, and earn the opportunity to clear our Karmic Record, of all the Negativity we have Created on this planet, before returning to our rightful place as 6th Density Guardians of our Galaxy, and teachers of Wisdom to those in lower Densities that ask for our assistance. If we do not make it, we will remain trapped in the 3rd Density Cycle with all those between 94% Negative and 50% Positive (what I termed 'luke-warm's'), and have to continue to provide Negative Polarity for you. Harsh as it is, our only way out, is to be as Negative as possible, to Graduate. We cannot choose to be Positive, because that is not what we came here to do for you. That's why I often have referred to all the horrible things we've done here, as our Sacrifice.

- Work upon yourself. Go inside, in a state of meditative contemplation. Still your mind, that your Soul may have room in which to make It's 'still-small voice' heard. Ask your Infinite Creator to help you, and listen to your inner voice. Be patient, it takes time to develop this inner communication, after a lifetime of neglect. When you persevere and keep working on yourself, gradually it will come to you, and when it does, you must learn to TRUST in your Inner Guidance, NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MAY SAY. That is the ultimate test. To Trust what you know deep inside as your Truth, even when the whole world tells you that you are "wrong".

- In getting your message out there, whilst being informative, always do your best not to feed the fear and paranoia, as this will act contrary to your intentions of raising the vibration to Positive. Deliver your message in a way that emphasizes the Hope, and the true beauty and reality of our inherent Oneness with our Infinite Creator. Be as a Light, shining in the Darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather, allow them to be drawn to your Light, and be of Service to those who come to you willingly. In other words, do not become 'evangelical' with your message, but rather, be the enigmatic and loving 'wise old sage', to whom others are drawn to because of the Quality of his vibration, rather than the volume of his rhetoric. Most importantly, PRACTICE THAT WHICH YOU PREACH. Others must be able to see the effect of our Infinite Creator conducting his wonderful work through you.

- "Satan" is a human invention. Simply the 'personification' you have given to all the Negativity that has existed on this beautiful planet. You didn't know who to 'blame', and as you could not find it within yourselves to take any of the responsibility, "Satan" was created to absolve yourselves.

- I speak not for myself, but rather, for him who sent me, my own Creator (Lucifer).

- Many here at this time (millions) have a part to play in the Great Awakening, and preparations for the Great Harvest. Many who do not believe now, will begin to open their minds, as the Earth changes that are coming begin to take effect. People will be terrified, and have no idea what is going on, because the governments have concealed this information from you. These 'Travelers' or what some have termed "Star-Seeds" are incarnated here to help on the ground level, when this all begins play out, over the next few years. When the time is right, they will come forward.

- The lower parts of our Family (the names you know) use the Vatican for many Rituals and Sacrifices. That should tell you all you need to know.

- We are most certainly NOT Reptilian, and there is nothing remotely reptilian about the True Power Bloodlines. The only 'Reptilian' influences that are in anyway remotely involved with this planet at this time, are those of the Zeta Reticuli and Alpha Draconis systems. They are of no particular threat to you. For those to whom it may be of some interest, we are of Venusian heritage, originally. What is another name that Venus is called by? Connect the dots.

- The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much Suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible. That's what they 'get out of the deal'. World Domination. You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job. But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst. If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest. They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd Density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims.

Warrior angel.

Otteita Eenokin Avaimista, joka on siis Jahvelta kanavoitua tietoa (mutta uskonnollisilla termeillä ja Raamatulla on tässä metafyysinen eikä uskonnollinen merkitys):

- Armageddon (Har-Magedon hepr.): Kokeilevien jumaluuksien viimeinen taistelu mukaanlukien kaikki heidän poliittiset hallitsijansa, jotka vahingoittavat Jahven (Yahwen) elämänkokeilua (Ilm. 16:14, Juud. 14,15). Pahuuden puhdistaminen Maan päältä, jotta oikeudenmukainen uusi järjestys voi toteutua (Jes. 11:1,4). Yahven kynnys uudelle transformaatiolle, joka on voitto kuolevien Maan ulkopuolisten sivilisaatioiden johtamista poliittisista, taloudellisista, tieteellisistä ja uskonnollisista peleistä Maa-planeetalla ja muilla planeetoilla (Ilm. 16:16).

- Langenneet: Johtavia Valon Herroja, jotka kapinoivat Jahvea vastaan ja ohjaavat Satanielin joukkoja. Monet Mestareista poistettiin arvoasemistaan henkisen epätasapainon vuoksi ja heidän hallintoalueitaan kohtaan osoittamansa välinpitämättömyyden vuoksi. Nämä alueet lankesivat Ilman Prinssin ja henkisen pimeyden vallan alle. Valon Neuvostot vapauttavat nyt näitä alueita langenneiden Valon Herrojen vallasta.

- Ilman Prinssi: Jahven päävastustaja tässä universumissa. Yksi Luciferisen kapinan lukuisista Herroista, jotka eivät ole sitoutuneet noudattamaan Kosmista Lakia eivätkä Valon Neuvostojen päätöksiä. Jahve haluaa, että rakkauden vapaat lahjat annettaisiin kaikille Hänen Valtakunnassaan. Maan päällä on jatkuva taistelu langenneiden herrojen ja Jahven välillä (Ef. 2:2).

- Jerusalemin Esivalta: Orionissa olevan Pääesivallan taktinen osasto, joka työskentelee lyödäkseen langenneet enkelikunnat ja sotilasvallat planeetoilta.

- Orion (Kesil hepr.): Kehityksen korkeimpien ohjelmien Keskusvalvonta, joka on yhdistetty elämän uudelleenohjelmointiin universumissamme (Job 38:31). Sen alkuperäismalli on Egyptin pyramideissa.

- Plejadit (Kimah hepr.): Tämän universumin alkuperäismalli, jonka tähtikoodit antavat muodon ulottuvuuksille.

- Kolmas Silmä: Liittyy käpyrauhaseen, jota pidetään alkusilmänä. Tämän tsakran aukeaminen aloittaa ykseyteen johtavan henkisen tien ja kosmisen tietoisuuden avautumisen.

- Kristallijoki: Linnunradan galaksi.

- Kristallimeri: Linnunradan, meidän paikallisuniversumimme, kaikki ulottuvuudet.

- Lankeemus: Tiettyjen Valon Herrojen erottaminen Valon Valtaistuimesta, koska he halusivat evätä ihmiseltä Ikuisen Kosmoksen Valon ja dogmatisoivat Jumalan Sanaa. Ylösnousseiden Mestarien avulla Valo palautettiin alempiin maailmoihin ja Valon edetessä sielun ja Luojan välinen liitto voidaan uudistaa (2. Kor: 2:14)

- Legioona-alus: Iso kulkuväline, jota käytetään kuljettamaan koko planeetan väestöä. Ne ovat tavallisesti keinotekoisia planeettoja, joiden sisällä on pienempiä sukkuloita tähtijärjestelmän sisäiseen kuljetukseen.

- Lopun Ajat: Jumalallisen Ohjelman päätös, joka merkitsee tuntuvaa tietoisuusajan nopeutusta ja henkisen Valon voimistamista kohti Uutta Järjestystä (2. Piet. 3:13, Ps. 37:29, Matt. 25:31, Mark. 13:32-33). Niille, jotka eivät työskentele Valon kanssa, se on suuren ahdistuksen aikaa, sillä materialistiset maailmanjärjestykset ja ihmisluomakunnan taloudellinen hyväksikäyttö saavat rangaistuksensa ja ne lopetetaan (Ilm. 18:11-24, Dan. 12:1-13).

- Monien Asuinsijojen Talo: Lukemattomat tähtijärjestelmät. Universumi muodostuu lukuisista Monien Asuinsijojen Taloista, jotka jakautuvat sielutasoihin ja yhdessä muodostavat Elämän Puun.

- Nephilim: Älykkyydet, jotka tekevät kokeiluja ja lisääntyvät juurirotujen kanssa (1. Moos. 6:4, 4. Moos. 13:32,33). Ne, jotka ovat rikkoneet Kosmista Valon Lakia.

- Ryhmäolento: Korkeamman älykkyyden olento, joka kykenee siirtymään tähtijärjestelmästä toiseen. Hänen yhdestä kehostaan voidaan synnyttää lukuisia aine-energiakehoja ja hän voi kehittää kokonaisen rodun tietylle tähtijärjestelmälle, kuten ihmisrodun.

- Samadhi: Väärä tunne valaistumisesta. Illuusion tila, joka voidaan saada alemmissa taivaissa, missä ajatellaan, että enempi henkinen kehitys ei ole tarpeen etenemiseksi valaistumisen tiellä.

- Vapautus: Kyky vaihtaa fyysinen keho Yli-itsekehoon.

- Viides Ulottuvuus: Seuraava Valon taso, jonka kehomme saavuttaa henkisen kehityksen prosessissaan. Vähemmän karkea aineellinen keho. Kolmiulotteinen ihmiskunta siirretään viidenteen ulottuvuuteen, kun he ovat suorittaneet loppuun koulutuksensa tässä todellisuudessa.

- Jahve (YHWH): Kaikkien Luoja-Jumalien takana oleva Jumala. Jahve on yksi Äärettömän Mielen 72 pyhästä nimestä, joista jokaisella on oma universumi ja taivaallinen hierarkia.

- Yli-Itsekeho: Valon korkeampi keho, joka on olemassa fyysisiä olentoja varten ennen heidän inkarnaatiotaan.

Kiinnitin huomiota siihen, että Lucifer väittää olevansa korkeampi luojajumala kuin Jahve ja Jahve taas väittää Luciferin olevan alempi, langennut luojajumala... Todennäköisesti Hidden Hand on vain new ageen perehtynyt narsistinen huijari ja Eenokin Avainten taustalla näyttää olevan narsistinen jumala, joka haluaa, että häntä palvotaan. ;-)

Artificial planet.

Excerpts from The Keys of Enoch (my translations) which is channeled information from Yahweh (but the religious terms and Bible have a metaphysical meaning here instead of religious):

- Armageddon (Har-Magedon hebr.): The final battle of experimenting gods including all their political rulers who are destroying Yahweh's experiment of life. A threshold of Yahweh for new transformation which liberates planet Earth from all political, economical, scientific and religious games of extraterrestrial civilizations.

- Fallen Ones: Ruling Lords of Light which resist Yahweh and lead the troops of Sataniel.

- Prince of The Air: Yahweh's main opponent in this universe. One of the many Lords of the luciferian mutiny.

- Authority of Jerusalem: Tactical department in Orion which fights to destroy the fallen ones.

- Orion (Kesil hebr.): Central control of evolution programs connected to the reprogramming of life in our universe. The original model is in the pyramids of Egypt.

- Pleiades (Kimah hebr.): Original model of this universe whose stellar codes give a form to all dimensions.

- Third Eye: The opening of this chakra begins the opening of the spiritual path and cosmic awareness towards Oneness.

- Crystal River: Milky Way galaxy.

- Crystal Sea: All dimensions of our local universe, the Milky Way.

- Legion craft: A vehicle used to transport the whole population of a planet. They are usually artificial planets.

- The End Times: Ending of the Divine program which means significant acceleration of consciousness time and increase of Light towards the New Order. For those who don't work with the Light it is a time of great anxiety as the materialistic world orders and economic exploitation will be finished.

- House of Many Mansions: Countless galaxies. Universe consists of countless Houses of Many Mansions which are divided into soul levels and together form the Tree of Life.

- Nephilim: Intelligent beings experimenting and breeding with the root races. Those who are violating the Cosmic Law.

- Fleet Being: A creature of higher intelligence capable of moving from one galaxy to another. Capable of creating countless matter-energy bodies from its single body and developing a whole race of beings into a galaxy, like the human race.

- Liberation: The ability to change a physical body into the Higher Self.

- Fifth Dimension: The next level of Light which we reach in our process of spiritual evolution.

- Yahweh (YHWH): The God behind all Creator Gods. Yahweh is one of 72 sacred names of the Inifinite Mind which each have a universe and heavenly hierarchy of their own.

- Higher Self: Higher body of Light which exists for physical beings before their incarnation.

I noticed that Lucifer claims to be a higher creator-god than Yahweh and Yahweh in turn claims that Lucifer is a lower, fallen creator-god... Personally I think that Hidden Hand is a narcissistic imposter very well versed in new age theories and Yahweh seems to a narcissistic god demanding worship. ;-)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Indigot ja tähtilapset - Indigos and starseeds

Viime vuosina on puhuttu paljon indigoista ja valonlapsista. Olen huomannut, että indigon piirteet sopivat minuun lähes täydellisesti, mutta on olemassa muitakin samankaltaisia ryhmiä, jotka ovat saapuneet maapallolle nostamaan ihmiskunnan värähtelyä eli lisäämään valon määrää: vaeltajat, kristallilapset, tähtilapset, valonkantajat ja walk-init eli sielunvaihdokkaat. Itse sain juuri kuulla olevani walk-in. Kuolemanrajakokemuksen jälkeen tuntui kyllä siltä kuin olisin uudestisyntynyt, koska elämäni muuttui niin täydellisesti, mutta itse koen olevani vaeltaja ja indigo. Starseeds-sivuston testin mukaan olen taatusti maapallon ulkopuolelta kotoisin. Parhaiten minuun sopivat pleiadilaisten ja orionlaisten piirteet. Ryhmät voivat siis mennä myös päällekkäin ja voit olla samanaikaisesti esim. indigo ja valonkantaja. Tämä kuulostaa varmasti omituiselta, mutta vilkaise alla olevia linkkejä (aloita indigosta) ja mieti, onko sinusta tuntunut siltä kuin olisit muukalainen maapallolla:

Are you an indigo adult?

Oletko vaeltaja?

Are you a wanderer?

Are you a starseed, indigo or walk-in?

Indigos, crystals and starseeds.

Starseeds, walk-ins and lightworkers.

What is a starseed?

Starseed quiz

Earth angel test

Find your planetary origin.

Are you a Pleiadian starseed?

Skeptikko minussa epäilee, että nämä indigot ja tähtilapset ovat vain poikkeavien ja kovia kokeneiden ihmisten keino tuntea itsensä tärkeiksi, mutta miksi sitten niin monella indigolla on lukuisa joukko yhdistäviä piirteitä? Itse olen aina tuntenut olevani jollain vieraalla planeetalla. Tunsin jo lapsena olevani vanha sielu ja näin suoraan ihmisten läpi enkä voinut ymmärtää, miksi suurin osa heistä teeskenteli ja käytti valtaa. Ystäviä löysin vain niiden joukosta, jotka olivat rehellisiä, suorasanaisia ja hyväsydämisiä.

Olen aina halunnut parantaa maailmaa, mutta usein olen tuntenut itseni voimattomaksi massiivisten ongelmien edessä. Olen aina ollut syvästi empaattinen ja ottanut muiden kärsimykset kannettavakseni, melkeinpä musertunut niiden alla. En ole koskaan kunnioittanut auktoriteetteja tai vallitsevaa ajattelutapaa, vaan olen kulkenut omaa polkuani.

In recent years there's been a lot of talk about indigos and children of the light. I've noticed that the indigo traits suit me almost perfectly but there are also other groups who have come to Earth to raise humanity's vibration and increase the amount of light: wanderers, crystal children, starseeds, lightworkers and walk-ins. I just learned that I'm a walk-in. I did feel that I was reborn after being near death as my life changed so dramatically, but personally I feel I'm a wanderer, an indigo and perhaps a starseed. According to the starseeds test I'm definitely from another planet. The characteristics of the Pleiadians and Orion people suit me best. So the groups can overlap and you can be for example an indigo and a lightworker at the same time. I know this sounds weird but take a look at the links above if you've ever felt like a stranger on this planet.

The sceptic in me suspects that these indigos and starseeds are just means to feel important for people who have suffered from loneliness and hardships. But why do indigos share so many similar traits? I've always felt like a stranger on Earth. Already as a child I felt I was an old soul and I saw right through people and couldn't understand why so many of them were pretending and trying to control others. I only found friends among those who were honest, outspoken and good-hearted.

I've always wanted to heal the world but often I've felt powerless in front of all the massive problems. I've been deeply empathetic and have carried the pains of others, been almost crushed underneath them. I've never respected authorities or the prevailing truths, I've trodden my own path.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Onko elämäsi illuusio? - Is your life an illusion?

Uuden ajan uskomusten mukaan meidän todellisuutemme on illuusio, joka voi rikkoutua, jos ymmärrämme oman suuruutemme ja nostamme värähtelyämme. Skeptikko minussa muistuttaa, että henkimaailma on paljon todennäköisempi illuusio. Täytyy myöntää, että mitä enemmän tutustun henkimaailmaan, sitä enemmän alan kaivata takaisin yksinkertaiseen elämään, jossa kaikki on juuri sitä miltä näyttää. Mutta kaipaus on lyhytaikainen. Hetken kuluttua toivon taas, että olisi jotain suurempaa, jotain merkityksellistä, sillä tämä maanpäällinen elämä ei totta vieköön vaikuta merkitykselliseltä. Mitä tahansa saavutatkin, aina on edessä kuolema ja unohdus. Vain muiden auttamisella ja valon ja viisauden lisäämisellä on merkitystä. Turhuuksien turhuus, kaikki on turhuutta, sanoi Salomokin.

Entä jos elämä onkin vain unimaailma, kuten monet viisaat sanovat? Kun heräämme eli kuolemme, heräämme unesta todellisuuteen. Entä jos onkin olemassa jotain paljon meitä suurempaa ja meidän on tarkoitus havahtua siihen jo nyt, eikä vasta kuolemassa? Eikö olisikin aika naurettavaa, että koko tässä mahtavassa universumissamme Maapallo olisi ainoa pallonpahanen, jolla olisi elämää ja kaiken lisäksi vielä näin surkean itsetuhoista elämää?

Kun napsautan sormiani, olet herännyt illuusiosta.

Living in an illusion.
(click to enlarge)

Do you like your illusions too much?

The pyramid of truth.

The beauty of light.

Dare to look to the other side?

New Age philosophers say that our reality is an illusion which we can break if we recognize our greatness and raise our vibration. The sceptic in me reminds that spirituality is a much more likely illusion. I have to admit that the more I study spirituality the more I begin to miss the ordinary life where everything is as it seems. But it only lasts for a moment. Soon I find myself hoping that there would be something greater, something meaningful, because this earthly life sure as hell doesn't seem meaningful. Whatever you achieve, you will always face certain death and oblivion. Only helping others and spreading light and wisdom bear a meaning. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity, said Solomon too.

What if life is just a dream world as the wise men say? When we wake up or die, we wake up from a bad dream to reality. What if there really is something greater than this and we are meant to awaken now and not after death? Wouldn't it be quite ridiculous that in this magnificent universe our poor little planet was the only one with life - with pathetic self-destructive life?

When I snap my fingers, you have woken up from the illusion.

There's a whole new world out there.

Reality might be better than your illusion.

Collective awakening.

There's a wide ocean out there and it's called the crystal sea.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Viestejä avaruudesta - Messages from space

Ovatko sinun mielestäsi kaikki nämä viljaympyrät ihmisten tekemiä? Osa todistetusti on, mutta osa näyttää liian symmetrisiltä ja taidokkailta ihmisen tekemiksi ottaen huomioon, että useimmat niistä ovat ilmestyneet yöllä. Täältä löytyy selityksiä viljaympyröiden symboliikalle, maya-kalenterille ja vuodelle 2012.

Do you think that all these crop circles are man made? Some of them are but some look way too symmetrical and sofisticated to be made over night by humans. Here you can find explanations for the crop circle symbolism, Maya calendar and year 2012.

Perhonen symboloi sielua ja muodonmuutosta.
Butterfly is a symbol of soul and transformation.

Kolibri kuvastaa iloa ja unelmien täyttymystä.
Humming bird represents joy and fulfillment of dreams.

Mayojen kalenterikello, joka symboloi porttia tuonpuoleiseen.
Mayan calendar clock which is an entrance to the underworld.

Meduusan ympyrät symboloivat chakroja ja lonkerot magneettikenttää. - The jellyfish circles represent chakras and the tentacles Earth's magnetic field.

Vapaamuurareiden tietoisuusruudukko.
Freemason consciousness grid.

Avain - Key