
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Runsaus, ilo ja elämäntehtävä - Abundance, joy and purpose of life

Pahuuden kukistaminen hyvyyden voimalla - Conquering evil with the power of good

Darryl Anka

Shamaanit ja psykedeelit - Shamans and psychedelics

Monet henkiset etsijät, varsinkin 60-70-luvulla, ovat käyttäneet psykedeelejä päästäkseen korkeampiin ulottuvuuksiin (mm. Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, Jeremy Narby, Michael Hayes). Useimpien mielestä psykedeelit, kuten LSD ja DMT, aiheuttavat pelkkiä hallusinaatioita, mutta toiset väittävät saaneensa niiden kautta tietoa toisista ulottuvuuksista ja myös shamaanit ovat käyttäneet niitä kautta aikojen. Elokuvasta Blueberry voi saada jonkinlaisen käsityksen siitä, millaisia näkyjä psykedeelit tuottavat. Ohjaaja Jan Kounen on omien shamanististen kokemustensa pohjalta luonut upeita visuaalisia tehosteita, jotka näyttävät hyvin samalta kuin muiden käyttäjien kuvaukset: käärmeitä, geometrisiä ja orgaanisia muotoja, ihmishahmoja.

Itse en uskaltaisi psykedeelejä kokeilla, koska aivokasvaimen aiheuttamat hallusinaatiot ja huimaus olivat aivan tarpeeksi. Kasvain sijaitsi käpyrauhasessa, joka tuottaa luonnostaan DMT:tä ja vaikuttaa mm. unennäköön. Näin unia keskellä päivää silmät auki ja lisäksi sain ennakkoaavistuksia. Lopulta kasvain leikattiin ja omituiset tuntemukset hävisivät. Käpyrauhasen uskotaan olevan yhteydessä myös kolmanteen silmään, päälakichakraan ja sieluun.

En suosittele kenellekään huumekokeiluja, mutta pidän mahdollisena, että aivoissa on piileviä toimintoja, joita tietyt kemialliset aineet tai esim. kasvaimet voivat aktivoida. Neurologi Oliver Sacks esimerkiksi kertoi potilaastaan, jolla aivokasvain laukaisi eläimelliset vaistot ja aistit samalla, kun looginen ajattelu sumeni. Leikkauksen jälkeen mies palautui takaisin normaaliksi. Elokuva Awakenings on muuten Oliver Sacksin kirjaan perustuva tositarina.

Upea shamanistinen matka Blueberry-elokuvasta:
Magnificent shamanic vision from the movie Blueberry:

Ayahuasca DMT: Drug Trip Sequence

Many spiritual explorers, especially in the 60s and 70s, have used psychedelics to reach higher dimensions (eg. Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, Jeremy Narby, Michael Hayes). Most people think that psychoactive drugs like LSD and DMT cause only hallucinations but others claim that they have received higher information through drugs and also shamans have used them for ages. In the movie Blueberry one can get a glimpse of the visions produced by psychedelics. Director Jan Kounen has created magnificent visual effects based on his own shamanistic experiences and they look very much the same as the descriptions of others: snakes, geometric and organic shapes, human figures.

I would never try psychedelics myself as the hallucinations and dizziness caused by brain tumour were quite enough. My tumour was located in the pineal gland which naturally produces DMT and affects for example dreaming. I had dreams in the middle of the day with my eyes open and in addition to that I had premonitions. Eventually the tumour was removed and the weird sensations disappeared. Pineal gland is believed to be connected with the third eye, crown chakra and soul.

I definitely don't recommend drug experiments but I find it possible that there are hidden functions in the brain which might be activated by certain chemical substances or tumours for example. Neurologist Oliver Sacks once told about a patient whose brain tumour turned on his animal instincts and senses suppressing his logical mind. After the operation the man changed back to normal. By the way, the movie Awakenings is based on true experiences of Oliver Sacks.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chakrat - Chakras

Tässä on luotettavan oloinen chakratesti.
Täältä löytyvät chakrojen kuvaukset.

Here's a chakra test that seems pretty reliable.
And here are the descriptions of chakras.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Numeroiden taikaa - Magical numbers

Viime aikoina olen niin tiuhaan tahtiin nähnyt samankaltaisia numerosarjoja, ettei se voi olla pelkkää sattumaa. Lopulta tarkistin, mitä 111, 1111 ja 222 tarkoittavat numerologiassa. Ensiksi löysin tiedon, että henkiolennot käyttävät numerosarjoja viestimiseen, koska eivät halua pelästyttää ihmisiä. Luvut 111, 1111 ja 222 ovat merkkejä siitä, että kuljet oikeaan suuntaan henkisellä polullasi.

Numero 22 on mestarinumero ja mestarilukuja on kaikkiaan kolme: 11, 22 ja 33. Luku 22 tarkoittaa mestarirakentajaa ja se yhdistää numeron 2 henkisyyden ja numeron 4 käytännöllisyyden. Itse olen saanut viestiä, että olen tasapainottaja ja rakentaja.

Luku 12 viittaa ihmiskunnan henkiseen heräämiseen - mayojen kalenterikin päättyy 20.12.2012. Numero 13 viittaa ylösnousemukseen ja valaistumiseen ja Kreikassa Zeus, mahtavin jumala, oli numero 13 - Egyptissä Zeus tunnetaan nimellä Amon tai Ra. Numerolla 13 on myös negatiivisia merkityksiä, kuten kaikilla muillakin numeroilla. Kaikessa on pimeä ja valoisa puoli. Mutta mieheni onnennumero on 13.

Luku 555 tarkoittaa, että olet Valittu! Ihan niin kuin Neo! ;-) Luku 555 viittaa myös arkkienkeli Mikaeliin, jonka tehtävä on auttaa ihmisiä siirtymään henkisesti korkeammalle tasolle, Vesimiehen aikaan.

Kun sain tämän kirjoituksen valmiiksi, kello oli 11:33. Molemmat ovat mestarinumeroita eli kaikkein vahvimpia numeroita. Luku 11 viittaa voimakkaaseen intuitioon ja luku 33 tarkoittaa mestariopettajaa, mutta ennen kaikkea vakaumusta ja pyyteetöntä omistautumista. Vapaamuurariuden korkein aste on 33 ja luvulla on heille suuri, mutta salattu merkitys.

En kehota ketään vilkuilemaan kelloa, vaan rohkaisen seuraamaan intuitiota ja kun olet oikealla polulla, numeroita alkaa taatusti ilmestyä.

Lately I've been seeing similar numeric series so often that it can't be just a coincidence. Eventually I checked what those numbers mean in numerology. First I found that numbers are spirits' way of communicating because they don't want to scare people. Numbers 111, 1111 and 222 mean that you are on the right spiritual path.

Number 22 is a master number and there are only three of those: 11, 22 and 33. Number 22 means master builder and it combines the intuitive power of 2 and practical power of 4. I've been getting messages that I am a builder and a balancer.

Number 12 refers to the spiritual awakening of mankind - the maya calendar also ends on 12/20/2012. Number 13 refers to resurrection and enlightenment and in Greece the number of their greatest god Zeus was 13 - in Egypt Zeus is know as Amun or Ra. Number 13 has also negative meanings like all the other numbers. Everything has a dark and brighter side. But my husband's lucky number is 13.

Number 555 in numerology is The Chosen One! Just like Neo! ;-) Number 555 also refers to archangel Michael whose mission is to assist people in their spiritual ascension to the Age of Aquarius.

When I finished this writing the time was 11:33. Both are master numbers or the most powerful numbers of all. Number 11 means strong intuition and number 33 is the master teacher but most of all it means determination and sincere devotion. The highest level of Freemasons is 33rd and it is a number of great importance to the Masons.

I'm not advicing anyone to glance at the clock but I encourage you to follow your intuition and I'm convinced that the numbers start appearing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Auringonjumala Ra - Sun God Ra

Tomi Varjolan artikkelit perustuvat kanavoituun tietoon olennolta nimeltä Ra ja lisäksi David Wilcockin tutkimuksiin. Ra tunnettiin Egyptissä auringonjumalana.

Sun God Ra

Toiset ulottuvuudet, pyramidit ja vuoden 2012 muutos

Maapallon siirtyminen kolmannesta ulottuvuudesta neljänteen

Illuminati eli negatiivinen valtaeliitti

Huom! Ylläolevat linkit eivät enää toimi, koska Tomi Varjola on julkaisemassa kirjaa bloginsa materiaalista.

Yhden Laki - Uusi kirja tulossa

Täältä voit tulostaa itsellesi koko Law of One -kirjasarjan.

The symbol of Ra

I found two very interesting sources of the 2012 transition. One is a channeled book series "The Law of One" by Ra whom the Egyptians knew as sun god. The other interesting source is David Wilcock, a researcher of ancient civilizations and consciousness evolution.

Here you can print the whole "Law of One" book series.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Eenokin salaisuudet - Secrets of Enoch

Eenokin Avainten mukaan maailma on alempien luojajumalien hallussa, kuten gnostilaisuudessa uskotaan. JJ Hurtakin toisesta ulottuvuudesta välittämät kirjat on tarkoitettu ennen kaikkea tieteen ja henkisyyden yhdistämiseen. Suhtaudun kirjoihin hyvin skeptisesti, mutta niiden sisältö on siitä huolimatta mielenkiintoinen.


Avainten mukaan langenneet enkelit ovat alempia luojajumalia, jotka ovat kapinoineet Valoa vastaan ja asuttavat Ison Karhun tähdistöä ja hallitsevat maapalloa ja muita samantasoisia maailmoja. Maailmoja, universumeja ja ulottuvuuksia on siis monia, mutta langenneet enkelit ovat evänneet ihmisiltä pääsyn niihin. Hurtak puhuu Valkoisesta Veljeskunnasta, jonka tehtävä on auttaa ihmiskuntaa kohoamaan korkeammalle tasolle. Tähän Veljeskuntaan kuuluu myös White Eagle, jolta olen itse saanut lukuisia viestejä. Kollektiivisen tietoisuuden nostamiseksi tarvitaan kuitenkin tieteiden ja henkisyyden yhdistämistä ja myös DNA:n uudelleenkoodausta. Kirjat antavat uuden sisällön Raamatulle ja gnostilaisille teksteille. Pyhä Henki on Avainten mukaan naispuolinen olento! Ylhäällä hallitsevat siis Isä, Poika ja Äiti, joka ei kuitenkaan ole Maria, vaan Shekina - kaikkialle ulottuva energia. Avaimissa puhutaan valosta, chakroista, värähtelystä, musiikista, pyhistä äänteistä, geometriasta, pyramideista, biologisista koodeista ja kvanttihypystä toiseen ulottuvuuteen.

Feminine and masculine energy

Orionin tähdistössä sijaitsee portti korkeampiin ulottuvuuksiin ja Gizan pyramidit, jotka sijaitsevat samoissa asemissa Orionin tähtien kanssa, ovat Eenokin pylväitä, joiden geometriaan on talletettu tiedot koodeista. Egyptiläisten jumala Osiris oli luojaherra Orionista, joka yritti nostaa ihmiskunnan tietoisuutta antamalla esimerkin ylösnousemuksesta. Ilmeisesti myös Vapaamuurareiden toiminta liittyy Eenokin koodien ja mysteerien ratkaisemiseen.

The Keys of Enoch say that our world is ruled by lower creator gods like the gnostics believe. The books were channeled from other dimension by Dr. JJ Hurtak and they are meant for combining science with spirituality. Naturally I'm very sceptical about the books but nevertheless they are interesting.

According to the Keys the fallen angels are lower creator gods who acted against the Light and inhabit the constellation of Ursa Major and rule the Earth and all other similar worlds. So there are many worlds, universes and dimensions but the fallen angels have denied people's access to them. Dr. Hurtak talks about the Great White Brotherhood of Light whose mission is to help humankind in its evolution. Also White Eagle belongs to this brotherhood. We need to unite science and spirituality in order to develop our collective consciousness and this also includes DNA recoding. The Keys of Enoch give a whole new perspective for Bible and gnostic gospels. They also say that the Holy Spirit is a female! So the universes are ruled by Father, Son and Mother who is not Maria but Shekina - a form of infinite energy. The Keys talk about light, chakras, vibration, music, holy words and sounds, geometry, pyramids, biological codes and a quantum leap to other dimension.

Hebrew alphabets

There is a gate to higher dimensions in the constellation of Orion and the pyramids of Giza which stand in alignment with the Orion Belt are pillars of Enoch holding the secret codes. The Egyptian god Osiris is a creator god from Orion who tried to lift human consciousness by giving an example of resurrection. I believe that the Freemasons are also connected with solving the codes and mysteries of Enoch.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baha'in kauneus - Beauty of Baha'i

Baha'i-usko suosii vapaata tiedon etsintää ja pyrkii koko maailman yhdistymiseen universaalien henkisten lakien mukaan. Täältä löytyvät bahai-uskon periaatteet (punaisella pohjalla) ja kotisivulta löytyy valtavasti tietoa kiinnostuneille ja täältä löytyy kirjoituksia Eenokista ja pyramideista. "Entry by troops" tarkoittaa uskonnon leviämistä marginaalista koko maailman tietoisuuteen, joka on nyt tapahtumassa. Suomalaisen kotisivun mukaan bahai on maailman toiseksi levinnein uskonto. En ole kääntymässä uskoon, mutta baha'i vaikuttaa hyvin kiinnostavalta uuden ajan uskolta. Baha'in temppelitkin ovat kuin toisesta maailmasta:

Bahain lootustemppeli Intiassa. - Bahai lotus temple in India.
(klikkaa kuvia suuremmaksi - click the images to enlarge)

Vapaamuurareiden kaiken näkevä silmä.
All-seeing eye of the Freemasons.

Bahai temple in Panama.

Temple in Samoa.

Temple in Chile.

Monet temppeleistä ovat kukkulan laella keskellä ei mitään (Chile).
Many of the temples are on a hill in the middle of nowhere (Chile).

Täältä löytyy lisää upeita kuvia temppeleistä ja maailmankeskuksesta. Ja täältä selitys bahain symbolille, 9-sakaraiselle tähdelle. Numero 9 symboloi täydellisyyttä ja tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Bahai näkee itsensä maailmanuskontona, joka yhdistää ja täydellistää kaikki muut maailman uskonnot. Lootuskukka (Intian temppeli) taas symboloi henkistä heräämistä, sydämen ja mielen puhtautta. Egyptin mytologiassa lootus symboloi aurinkoa (Ra) ja uudestisyntymistä.

The symbol of Bahai.

Baha'i faith encourages people to unfettered search for knowledge and aims to unite the world by universal spiritual laws. Here are the principles of Bahai (red sidebar) and on the homepage you can find more information and here you can find writings about Enoch and the Great Pyramid. "Entry by troops" refers to the rise of Bahai faith from the margins to global awareness which is happening at the moment. According to the Finnish homepage Bahai is the second most widespread religion in the world. Here is the American homepage. I'm not becoming religious but Baha'i faith is very intresting and the temples are like from another planet or from the classical era.

Bahain maailmankeskus Israelissa. - Bahai world center in Israel.
(klikkaa kuvia suuremmaksi - click the images to enlarge)

9-portainen terassinousu pyhäkölle.
9-stepped terraces to the shrine.

9-sakarainen tähti ja lootuskukka terassien juurella.
9-pointed star and lotus flower at the base of the terraces.

Here you can find more pictures of the temples and the Bahai world center. And here is an explanation for the symbol, nine-pointed star. Number nine symbolizes perfection. Since Bahai claims to fulfill the expectations of all other religions, this symbol reflects the sense of completeness. Lotus flower (Indian mother temple) symbolizes spiritual awakening, purity of heart and mind. In Egyptian mythology lotus flower is a symbol of the sun, creation and rebirth.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gnostilaisuus ja muurarius - Gnosticism and Masonry

Apokryfiset kirjat ja gnostilaiset tekstit jätettiin pois Raamatun kaanonista, koska niitä pidettiin harhaoppisina ja ennen kaikkea, koska ne olisivat horjuttaneet kirkon valtaa. Lisäksi maallikoiden käsissä esoteerinen tieto olisi joutunut alennustilaan. Minusta tämä on selvä kuin pläkki, mutta korjaa toki, jos olen mielestäsi väärässä. Gnostilaisten tekstien maailmankuva on huomattavasti laajempi kuin kirkon mustavalkoinen näkemys. Musta Raamattukin on itse asiassa gnostilainen teos.

Salomonin temppeli. - Temple of Solomon.

Antikristus-postissa puhuin Osiriksesta ja Obamasta, ja tämä on lupaamaani jatkoa postille. Osiriksella ja hänen isällään on monta nimeä eri kulttuureissa:

Osiris = Horus = Apollo = Antikristus = Nimrod = Hiram Abiff
Amon = Jupiter = Zeus = Saatana

Osiris ja Salomonin temppeli ovat vapaamuurariuden kulmakiviä, Nimrod on muurarijärjestön isä ja Hiram Abiff oli Salomonin temppelin arkkitehti, jolla oli Eenokin salaisuudet hallussaan. Eenokin kirja kuuluu Raamatun apokryfisiin kirjoituksiin. Eenok tunnetaan myös nimellä arkkienkeli Metatron. Vapaamuurareiden looshit on rakennettu Salomonin temppelin mukaan ja kokelaat kulkevat aina Salomonin/Eenokin pilareiden välistä siirtyessään korkeammalle tasolle. Kolmannen asteen muurari saa tietää Salomonin temppelin merkityksen ja 13. aste on nimeltään Enokin Royal Arch. Ylinnä on Korkein Neuvosto ja 33. aste. Hierarkia on epäilemättä tärkeä juuri sen vuoksi, ettei salaisuuksia paljastettaisi noviiseille. Muurarit ovat ilmeisesti säilyttäneet arvokasta perimätietoa vuosisatojen ajan ja siirtäneet sen muuttumattomana jälkipolville, jotka ovat vannoneet pitävänsä salaisuudet. Äärimmäisen tärkeä tehtävä, koska niin paljon perimätietoa ja viisauksia katoaa taivaan tuuliin.


Legendan mukaan Eenok sai jumalalta tiedon maailmanlopusta ja rakensi Temppelivuoren sisään 9 päällekkäistä kammiota, joihin talletti muinaisen perimätiedon ja alimpaan Jumalan salaisen nimen. Kammioiden merkiksi hän pystytti kaksi pylvästä, joihin kaiversi tietoa kätköpaikasta ja ikiaikaisia viisauksia. Vedenpaisumus hukutti alleen maan ja vuonna 1000 eKr. rakennettiin Salomonin temppeli kätköpaikan päälle. (Nooan arkki saattaa tarkoittaa samaa kuin Eenokin kammio.) Temppeliritarit eli ristiretkeläiset löysivät kätkön 1100-luvulla ja saivat haltuunsa esoteerista tietoa. Jumalan salaisen nimen avulla oli mahdollista hallita yliluonnollisia voimia. Egyptin mytologiassa Isis oli mahtava papitar, joka sai haltuunsa auringonjumala Ran (Amon) salaisen nimen ja Ran energian avulla hän synnytti Horuksen, uudestisyntyneen Osiriksen. Symbolien ja numerologian voima on hyvin todellista vapaamuurareille, joiden rakennelmissa toistuvat maagiset numerot ja geometria.

Eenokin legendaan liittyy kirja Eenokin avaimet, joka on tohtori J.J. Hurtakin kanavoimaa tietoa toisesta ulottuvuudesta ja sen mukaan ihmiskunta on tietämättään yhteydessä korkeampaan älyyn. Kirja paljastaa olemassaolon tarkoituksen ja opastaa saavuttamaan korkeamman tietoisuuden tason. Se paljasti myös ensimmäisenä Gizan pyramidien ja Orionin tähtikuvion välisen yhteyden, jolla oli suuri merkitys faaraoille. Lisäksi kirjassa puhutaan DNA:n uudelleenkoodauksesta, jonka avulla ihmisen tietoisuuden evoluutiota voidaan nopeuttaa. Luonnontieteilijälle tulee väistämättä mieleen "roska-DNA", jolle ei ole löydetty selitystä ja joka muodostaa 97% ihmisen perimästä. Eenokin avainten mukaan tieteen ja spiritualismin näkemysten on pakko yhdistyä, jotta ihmisen tietoisuuden evoluutio etenee ja maailma voidaan pelastaa tuholta. Tulevaisuudessa materiaalinen ja henkinen todellisuus tulevat yhdistymään. Kirjassa viitataan Jeesuksen sanoihin "minun Isäni kodissa on monta asuinsijaa", jotka tarkoittavat monia ulottuvuuksia.

George Washingtonin muistomerkki. - George Washington masonic monument in United States.

Mayojen 16 mrd. vuoden pituinen pitkälaskukalenteri päättyy vuoden 2012 lopussa (universumi sai alkunsa arviolta 14 mrd. vuotta sitten). Vanha maailma päättyy ja Uusi Maailmanjärjestys astuu tilalle. Kalenterin mukaan luomisen tahti kiihtyy loppua kohden ja loppuvaiheessa tämä tarkoittaa telepatian kehittymistä, koska kaikki aikaisemmat vaiheet ovat liittyneet kommunikaation kehittymiseen. Telepatian kehityksen voi jo nyt huomata lisääntyneenä synkroniana: jos kuuntelet intuitiotasi ja esität universumille kysymyksen tai toiveen, universumi vastaa muodossa tai toisessa.

Eenokin Avainten mukaan luomme jo nyt ajatuksillamme todellisuutta ja tästä puhui Valkoinen Kotkakin Jonette Crowleyn kirjassa. Negatiivinen ajattelu luo ympärilleen negatiivista energiaa ja toisaalta pelkkä positiivinen ajattelu voi muuttaa maailmaa paremmaksi. Oman ulottuvuutemme värähtelytaso on muuttumassa ja ainoa keino pysyä mukana on nostaa omaa värähtelyään eli kehittää ja kuunnella intuitiotaan.

Bahai-pyhäkkö Israelissa. - Bahai shrine of Bab in Israel.

Bahai-uskon perusajatuksena on maailman kehittyminen kohti suurempaa ykseyttä, jolloin uskontojen, kansojen ja valtioiden raja-aidat kaatuvat ja syntyy uusi monikulttuurinen maailmansivilisaatio. Bahai-uskon mukaan Eenok oli Gizan suuren pyramidin arkkitehti ja pyramidin symboliikkaa tutkimalla voimme saada selville muinaiset salaisuudet ja tulevaisuutemme. Bahait tuntevat Gizan suuren pyramidin myös nimellä Eenokin pylväs.

On mielenkiintoista huomata, miten eri lähteistä kerätyt tiedot ovat vain saman legendan muunnoksia ja ennustavat samaa tulevaisuutta. Uudelle maailmanjärjestykselle olisi todellakin tarvetta.

Apocryfic and gnostic texts were left outside the Biblical canon because they were considered heretical and they would've weakened the church's power. In addition to that laymen would've not understood esoteric knowledge. I think this is pretty obvious but correct me if I'm wrong. In my opinion gnostic gospels make much more sense and their view of life is much broader than the teachings of Christianity.

Temppeliritari. - Templar knight.

In the Antichrist post I spoke about Osiris and Obama and this is the second part of that post. Osiris and his father have many names in different cultures:

Osiris = Horus = Apollo = Antichrist = Nimrod = Hiram Abiff
Amun = Jupiter = Zeus = Satan

Osiris and the temple of Solomon are cornerstones of freemasonry, Nimrod is the father of masonry and Hiram Abiff is the architect of Solomon's temple who possessed the secrets of Enoch. The Book of Enoch is one of Bible's apocryfic texts. Enoch is also known as arch angel Metatron. The masonic lodges are built according to Solomon's temple and the initiates pass through Solomon's/Enoch's pillars when stepping to the next level. Third degree masons will learn the meaning of Solomon's temple and 13th degree is called Royal Arch of Enoch. The highest degree is 33rd. Undoubtedly this hierarchy is important to keep the secrets hidden from novices. Apparently the masons have preserved valuable heritage for centuries and passed it on to next generations who have sworn to keep the secrets. An extremely important task as so much heritage and wisdom is gone with the wind.

According to the legend Enoch received a message from God about the end of the world and built nine vaults on top of each other inside the Temple Mount where he hid all valuable heritage and in the lower vault the secret name of God. To mark the vaults he erected two pillars on which he engraved the map to the vaults and ancient wisdoms. The Great Flood covered earth and in 1000 BC Solomon's temple was built on top of the vaults. (Noah's arch might refer to Enoch's vaults.) The templars or crusaders found the vaults and the esoteric secrets in the 12th century. It is said that with the hidden name of God one can control supernatural powers. In Egyptian mythology Isis was a great high priestess who found out the secret name of sungod Ra (Amun) and with Ra's energy she gave birth to Horus, the resurrected Osiris. The power of symbols and numerology is very real for freemasons whose structures are built according to magical numbers and geometry.

Eenokin avaimet. - The Keys of Enoch.

The Keys of Enoch is channelled information from another dimension by Dr. J.J. Hurtak and it claims that human race is unknowingly connected to a higher intelligence. The book reveals the purpose of existence and guides you to reach a higher level of consciousness. It was also the first to reveal the connection between the pyramids of Giza and the Orion constellation which had a great meaning to the pharaohs. In addition to that it tells about DNA recoding which will enhance human evolution. As a natural scientist I instantly think about "junk DNA" which has no explanation even though it forms 97% of the human genome. According to the Keys of Enoch science and spiritualism must unite in order to accelerate human evolution and save the world from destruction. In the future the material and spiritual realms will be united. The book refers to Christ's words "house of many mansions" which means several dimensions.

Gizan pyramidit. - Pyramids of Giza.

Maya long count calendar of 16 billion years will end in the end of year 2012 (the universe got started approximately 14 billion years ago). The old world will end and the New World Order will replace it. According to the calendar the pace of evolution accelerates towards the end and eventually this means development of telepathy as every earlier stage has been connected with the evolution of communication. You can already notice the evolution of telepathy as increased synchronicity: if you listen to your intuition and ask the universe a question it will reply in form or another.

Orionin tähtikuvio. - The Orion belt.

According to The Keys of Enoch we already create reality with our thoughts and also White Eagle mentioned this in Jonette Crowley's book. Negative thinking creates negative energy and on the other hand mere positive thinking can make the world better. The vibrational frequency of our dimension is changing and the only way to stay tuned is to raise your own frequency by developing and listening to your intuition.

Bahai faith's fundamental idea is to develop the world towards greater unity, to remove the barriers of religions, peoples and nations to form a new multicultural world civilization. According to Bahai Enoch was the architect of the Great Pyramid of Giza and by studying the symbols in the pyramid we can solve ancient mysteries and our future. The Bahai also know the Great Pyramid by the name Enoch's pillar.

It's interesting to notice how the knowledge from different sources is just variation of the same legend and predicts the same future. We could really use a New World Order.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Henkeviä testejä - Spiritual tests

What Tarot Card Are You? (put your whole name in the field)

You Are The Hermit.
You posses a great deal of wisdom and the ability to see people for who they are.
You are always looking ahead at the future, developing visions.
A loner, you tend to travel by yourself through life, seeking your own truth.
You don't crave material things or fancy titles. You have no baggage.

Your fortune:

It's possible that there is a unknown guiding figure in your life, ready to help you.
All you have to do is find this person and seek their advice.
It's also possible that you need to start seeking the meaning of your own life.
Either way, there's some deep thinking you need to undertake, and it needs to be done soon.

The Snowflake Test

You Are Unique Because You're Wise.
Unlike most people, you've got many of the secrets to life figured out.
You don't try to complicate things that don't need to be complicated. You keep it simple when possible.

You are rare in that you are able to enjoy an average, ordinary day. You don't have much to complain about.
Like a snowflake falling down to the ground, you are quiet and peaceful. You are happy to just be.

Who Are You in Your Family? (your whole name)

You Are the Successful One in Your Family.
You're the type of person who needs to see results in your life to be happy. And because of this, you're likely to have a lot of material success in your life.
Your family members may even be jealous of what you have, but they don't understand all the work you've put in to reaching your goals.

You have big dreams and big plans, and if your family wants to support you, that's great.
But in the end, you're not about to let anyone hold you back from what you want. Your prefer to share your success with your family, but you'll do it without them if you need to.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

Your Heart Takes Love Lightly.
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self-centered.

How Is Your Inner Child?

Your Inner Child Is Sad.
You're a very sensitive soul.
You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.
Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.
You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.

What Color Is Your Psyche?

Your Psyche is Blue.
You are deeply emotional and very connected to everything (and everyone) around you.
By simply understanding other people, you are able to help them heal and let go.
While you are a very deep and thoughtful person, you do have a very silly, superficial side.

When you are too blue: the weight of the world's problems hangs over you.

When you don't have enough blue: you lack perspective and understanding.

What's Your Power Bird?

Your Power Bird is an Eagle.
You are spiritual and able to soar to great heights.
You are a true inspiration, and many people look to you for guidance.
And you are quite demanding in relationships... but you're worth it.
People know that you will become even greater than you imagine.

What's Your Power Element?

Your Power Element is Earth.
Your power color: yellow.

Your energy: balancing.

Your season: changing of seasons.

Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends.
You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems.
Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones.
Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful.

What's Your Spiritual Number?

Your Spiritual Number is Four.
You bring stability and order into people's lives.
You are a devoted friend, and you are able to help others get out of extremely chaotic situations.

Right now, your life is about making difficult choices and complicated decisions.
You find yourself at a crossroads, and you can't stall any longer.

While you may be going through a confusing time, you are confident that you will do the right thing.
You have the courage to do what's best, even when it's hard.

Amethyst ring in the spiritual number test.

The Three Question Personality Test

Your Personality Is Idealist.
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Numerologiaa - Numerology

Numerologia perustuu hindujen Veda-kirjoihin ja Pythagoraan oppeihin, ja sen mukaan ihmisen syntymäajan ja nimen perusteella voidaan ennustaa hänen kohtaloaan.

Numerology is based on Hindu Vedas and the teachings of Pythagoras and it can predict a person's fate from their name and birth date.

Numerology test 1

Your Inner or Soul's Urge: This is spiritual and emotional expression more than physical. It is your heart-felt desires, your incentive, how you look at life. Here are your areas of personal satisfaction.

Number: 8

You desire big affairs and the power to handle them, with success in all material matters. You love organization, construction, finance, and the huge operations of the commercial world. Happiness, for you, is doing things in a big way, getting results. You are generous, large-minded, powerful, and dependable; a natural executive.

You have courage and poise, with the vision, strength, efficiency, excellent judgment, stamina, and determination to succeed. When struggling against opposition you are confident of victory.

Your ability to see the true potential in others may make you seem dominant and exacting; but you never spare yourself, either. You are a power for good. However, if you seek money and control purely for selfish reasons, they will tend to elude you.

For more success and better control, cultivate justice and toleration for the weaker and less efficient.

Your Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be the real you.

Number: 5

You are seen as curious, sensual, witty, carefree, capricious, and restless. Monotony does not survive around you. You are adept with words and can entertain new ideas with relish, making you an enjoyable person to be around.

You tend to be fashion conscious.

You may go to extremes in outerwear (and underwear), just to be daring and watch people's reactions or to be in the limelight. Realize your personality can be stylishly expressed, without overdoing it, and still fit the occasion.

Your Quiescent Self: Stripping away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitions, "shoulds", and "shouldn'ts" - this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams.

Number: 5

You travel to all countries of the world and experience the cultures they have to offer. You are fluent in all native languages and thrill with understanding many and varied points of view. Ties and responsibilities are not present. You live for adventure and constant new experience.

Your thoughts and pleasure are not predictable, even to yourself, but always relate to learning or experiencing new things.

Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latter days.

Number: 4

You are a builder, a manager and organizer to build solid foundations and structures that last for your and others' security. This applies to all work you undertake.

Rather than just dreaming, you strive for tangible results. Your success depends much upon your personal determination, sincerity, perseverance, patience, and honesty.

You are systematic, methodical, trustworthy, dependable, and effective; a craftsman, a builder, and an organizer slowly and surely building for the future. You are solid yet durable, precise, and dignified. When you have a definite goal, you are persistent until it is reached.

You know the value of a job well done.

Your Life's Path: Here are clues to what fate has in store for you. It indicates the type of encounters, events, and opportunities you are likely to experience along your physical life path.

Number: 9

Your path is philanthropy, loving service to the peoples of Earth. You are a humanitarian with an innate sense of idealism, tolerance, and compassion, giving up personal ambitions and possessions if the general good demands it. You have an impressive personality and power to influence others. At times you are somewhat naive in your anticipation of the joy you believe is coming.

Your spiritual sensitivity and holistic feelings for humanity encompass a wide range - compassion, generosity, sympathy, tolerance. You have a vivid imagination.

You easily and joyfully serve your fellow man, tending to place others before yourself and give your Love, sympathy, help, and understanding without stint. You would like to see perfection in marriage, self, and the whole world.

Your opportunities are among emotional, artistic, and inspirational people, in fields that serve broad segments of mankind.

This Year's Path: Here is what you are likely to encounter this year - your feelings, your predominant perspective, and the type of situations, circumstances, and opportunities you tend to attract during the calendar year.

Number: 1

More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to assert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and they will come to you.

Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take up a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your general activities; to look ahead.

This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a new start. The next nine years' experience will depend a great deal on what you do and don't do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and listening to your inner voice.

Next Year's Path.

Number: 11

Harmonious associations are very important for you this year. The year's success and good results will be obtained through diplomacy, cooperation, tactfulness, good relationships, and, especially, personal introspection. It is a year for receiving and sharing rather than aggressively pursuing your own way.

Your intuition and emotions are enhanced this year.

It is a busy year, with endless demands on your time. It is easier to work with others rather than doing things by yourself.

Your plans and developments may experience periods of delay. No need to worry about that. Things seem to move slower this year.

The year can revitalize your peace of mind. It is a good time to strengthen your friendships.

A heightened religious, mystical, and psychic awareness can bring you to a position of influence. This is the year your ideals of a personal, inner nature become visible even to others.

It is a busy year.

Last Year's Path.

Number: 9

This year you realize completion and/or fulfillment of some of your dreams. During the year you can let go of the old and undesirable to make way for the new and worthwhile.

Things that have been lagging behind want to be finished up this year. Some things seem to finish themselves. In general, this is not a good year to begin new projects.

Be tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving, and this can be one of the most wonderful years of your life. Keeping your mind open for broader interests and larger activities seem more natural to you this year. Make your interests more of a universal, rather than personal, nature.

Love affairs get your attention, maybe even your own.

You find yourself cultivating music, writing, and other arts, and expressing love to the many and toleration of all. The "brotherhood of man" is your keynote. Respond to the urge to do good works.

Numerology test 2

Your Life Path.

Number: 9

Your purpose in life is to make the world better.

You are very socially conscious and a total idealist.
You think there are many things wrong with the world, and you want to fix them.
You have a big idea of how to world could be, and you'll sacrifice almost anything to work towards this dream.

In love, you can easily see the beauty in someone else. And you never cling too tightly.

You are capable of great love, but it's hard for you to focus your love on one person or relationship.
You have a lot of outward focus, and you tend to blame the world for your failures.
You are often disappointed by the realities of life - it's hard for you to accept the shortcomings of the world.