
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Valaistunut Jim Carrey - Enlightened Jim Carrey

Olen aina pitänyt Jim Carreystä. Nyt pidän hänestä vielä enemmän:
I've always liked Jim Carrey. Now I like him even more:

Jim Carrey on awakening


Secretia said...

I listened to it, but I am not sure what he means by all of it.

Helena said...

I think it's difficult to understand or rather feel it if you haven't experienced it yourself. I had the same experience as Carrey when I was thinking about souls and how they are connected and how we're all much bigger than ourselves. We ARE the universe as Carrey says. We create the energy around us and we're all one - even though it doesn't seem so.

When I realized this or rather experienced this everything in my life changed. And I JUST WANNA GO BACK THERE!!! as Carrey said. :-D

Just listen to your intuition and it will lead you there. I know it will. It led me too but it took many many years. But now the change is happening much faster than before. Maybe it's just my time or maybe there's really something bigger happening in the world.

I'm not crazy, I'm just happy and excited. ;-)

Helena said...

And those thoughts Carrey talks about are like the ego I described below. We're so much more than our ego which easily gets scared and hurt and uncertain. Our essence, the soul, is much stronger than we think. At least this is what I believe now. But I'm still learning just like everyone else. I don't have the answers but I have a feeling that my soul does.

Aksu said...

Mielenkiintoinen pätkä. Jäi silti mietityttämään, miksi yhden (tai miksei useammankin) kokemuksen kokeneita henkilöitä kutsutaan valaistuneiksi. Tai ainakin minulle valaistuminen tarkoittaa egosta luopumista kokonaan ja pysyvästi. Avaahan tuollaiset kokemukset silmiä ja varmasti sitä kautta muuttavat ihmisiä, mutta kuitenkin nuo kokemukset ovat vain jonkun suuren alku...

Helena said...

Valaistunut oli huumoria!!! En todellakaan ajattele, että Jim Carrey olisi oikeasti valaistunut. :-) Mutta hän oli kokenut hetkellisen "valaistumisen" eli saanut kokonaisvaltaisen oivalluksen elämästä ja sen tarkoituksesta.

Ricardo said...

he's very talented. He needs to get away from making too many silly films because he is much more than that.

Helena said...

I agree.